As the Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative’s Data Specialist, I worked with the LCC National Office and the 22 LCCs of the Network to create a single national source for information to date on all projects funded by all 22 individual LCCs and the national office, and a tool for reviewing these projects, for purposes of national-level management and presenting summaries of this information to Congress.
As the Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative’s Data Specialist, I worked with the LCC National Office and the 22 LCCs of the Network to create a single national source for information to date on all projects funded by all 22 individual LCCs and the national office, and a tool for reviewing these projects, for purposes of national-level management and presenting summaries of this information to Congress. Project descriptions were collected in standardized metadata records using controlled vocabularies, and presented in an online database with searching capabilities. The original data call was in 2013 and the database was updated in 2014. This work was a precurser to the development by the Data Management Working Group of a more automated metadata publishing system using the Arctic LCC’s mdEditor software with publishing capabilities to ScienceBase, and the records became the starting point for the Information Assets Archiving effort of 2017. The project metadata collected in 2013 and 2014 is superseded by the information now in Sciencebase, and the original online database was deactivated.
I produced project polygons and metadata for 50 science and traditional ecological knowledge (S-TEK) projects funded by the Great Basin LCC and over 100 data and communications products and publications using FGDC metadata standards. The information included keywords, spatial data, funding information, associated products, data points of contact, partner organizations, and project descriptions. As an organization, we leveraged this data management effort to produce a front-end widget using Python, geoJSON files, and Microsoft Access that allowed users to access the data.