Conservation in the Great Basin Story Map

Conservation Science in the Great Basin is a story map which provides viewers with an opportunity to learn about and interact with the Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative's unique partner-driven research approach, and to understand how each of the 50 Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (S-TEK) projects fits into the broader vision for regional environmental and cultural conservation that GBLCC exists to support.

  • Project lead Eric Jensen
  • Collaborators Rick Kearney, John Tull
  • Website Visit the Story Map
  • Tools ArcGIS 10.x, ArcGIS Online, Esri Web AppBuilder
  • Completed October 2017


Visit the Conservation Science in the Great Basin Story Map here!

Between 2013–2018, the Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative had supported 41 conservation research projects with its Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (S-TEK) Strategic Plan. Drawing on it's Steering Committee's regional expertise, GBLCC supports conservation research to address pressing conservation issues facing the Great Basin, which has included sagebrush modelling based on various emissions scenarios, tribal adaptations to climate change, mapping of wetlands across the region, and many more projects. Over six years, GBLCC has distributed $3.3 million in direct funds and leveraged an additional $5.2 million in matching and in-kind contributions toward this end.

The Conservation Science in the Great Basin story map provides users with an opportunity to learn about and interact with GBLCC's unique partner-driven research approach and to understand how each of those projects fits into the broader vision for regional environmental and cultural conservation that GBLCC exists to support.

See the web application highlighting Great Basin LCC projects, which is embedded in the story map, here.

Eric Jensen | GBLCC Conservation in the Great Basin Story Map

Conservation in the Great Basin Story Map

Conservation Science in the Great Basin is a story map which provides viewers with an opportunity to learn about and interact with the Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative's unique partner-driven research approach, and to understand how each of the 50 Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (S-TEK) projects fits into the broader vision for regional environmental and cultural conservation that GBLCC exists to support.

  • Project lead Eric Jensen
  • Collaborators Rick Kearney, John Tull
  • Website Visit the Story Map
  • Tools ArcGIS 10.x, ArcGIS Online, Esri Web AppBuilder
  • Completed October 2017


Visit the Conservation Science in the Great Basin Story Map here!

Between 2013–2018, the Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative had supported 41 conservation research projects with its Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (S-TEK) Strategic Plan. Drawing on it's Steering Committee's regional expertise, GBLCC supports conservation research to address pressing conservation issues facing the Great Basin, which has included sagebrush modelling based on various emissions scenarios, tribal adaptations to climate change, mapping of wetlands across the region, and many more projects. Over six years, GBLCC has distributed $3.3 million in direct funds and leveraged an additional $5.2 million in matching and in-kind contributions toward this end.

The Conservation Science in the Great Basin story map provides users with an opportunity to learn about and interact with GBLCC's unique partner-driven research approach and to understand how each of those projects fits into the broader vision for regional environmental and cultural conservation that GBLCC exists to support.

See the web application highlighting Great Basin LCC projects, which is embedded in the story map, here.