RAP Production Loss State and County Reports

Rangeland production is diminished as a result of encroachment and infilling from conifer trees. These reports for 17 states and 1,082 counties in the western US build upon Morford, et al (2021) to quantify production losses resulting from tree expansion. I produced these HTML reports using RMarkdown and CSS to style them and they will deployed as an interactive website.

  • Project lead Scott Morford, Eric Jensen
  • Collaborators Brady Allred, Matt Jones, Dave Naugle, Dirac Twidwell, Jeremy Maestas
  • WebsiteComing soon
  • Tools R, RMarkdown, Leaflet, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
  • CompletedIn progress


The RAP "Rangeland Productivity Lost to Woody Encroachment" reports were produced for 17 states and 1,082 counties in the western US and function as a hierarchical website. At the highest-level, the reports provide westwide statistics and data visualization on productivity lost to tree expansion. The interactive map, produced using the Leaflet R binding, allows users to scroll-over to see state statistics and click to view dive into the report for a specific state. Once the user has clicked a state, they are then able to dive deeper by clicking an individual county to see county level statistics and data visualization. These reports support the USDA-NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife team in addressing the "Conifer Expansion" rangeland threat. More information on the reports will be available once they are published.

I produced these reports using RMarkdown and customized the user interface with HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Bootstrap.